11 Seasons In: The Cast Of ‘The Big Bang Theory’

Published on 11/16/2017

Charlotte Newhouse as Joy

Bernadette’s friend Joy is up next, while her role was brief, it was memorable. Previously she played the part of Jules Hayes in the series Brainstorm and appeared on Community as Professor Baker.

Charlotte Newhouse As Joy

Charlotte Newhouse As Joy

As an actress and writer, Charlotte Newhouse has done pretty well for herself. Remember that Idiotsitter was just a web series in early 2014 before Comedy Central picked it up in 2016.


Valerie Azlynn as Alicia

Think back to way back when Alicia was the aspiring actress who lived in the apartment above Leonard, Penny, and Sheldon. Man, that seems likes ages ago. And with 11 seasons, that makes sense.

Valerie Azlynn As Alicia

Valerie Azlynn As Alicia

Azlynn has appeared in minor roles in films and shows over the years such as Tropic Thunder and Sullivan & Son.