Firemen Rescue Puppies- Then They See They Aren’t Puppies After All

Published on 01/15/2020

The day the Colorado Springs Fire Department received a distress call, they immediately rushed out to tend the mission at hand. When they arrived on the scene of the SOS call, they understood that it was just another puppy rescue operation. After pulling out the 8 puppies from the sewer, a reality-check came over them. These little creatures were not puppies at all…

Job Demands

When we think of firefighters, we always picture them running into a burning house or building. However, they have a number of other jobs too. Other than just helping humans in need, they aid animals in despair too, and not just those kittens that get stuck in trees.

Job Demands

Job Demands


Not Just Fires

Fire is obviously their first call to action, but a collection of other situations requires the expertise of the firefighting community. These responsibilities range from providing medical care, inspecting the fire-proofing of new buildings, as well as taking care of hazardous materials, to name a few.

Not Just Fires

Not Just Fires