20 Cleaning Life Hacks That Students Will LOVE!

Published on 12/04/2016

Get a clean iron press with tin foil.

You don’t want to look like your 8am Philosophy Lecture on a Friday night, do you? So to keep your clothes looking fresh you can line an ironing board with some tinfoil. Now you’ll notice that your iron seems to work twice as fast. And no, don’t call an electrician if your iron catches fire. You need to replace that 20 year old bad boy some day.

Get A Clean Iron Press With Tin Foil

Get A Clean Iron Press With Tin Foil


Sort through your clothes with a hanger system.

If you feel like your closet is overflowing then it might be time to pare down on what you have. You don’t need ten school themed shirts — trust us. So, what you should do is put all of your clothing in the closet facing one direction. Then, whenever you wear a shirt you should return it to the closet facing the opposite direction. After a month you can donate what never got used.

Sort Through Your Clothes With A Hangar System

Sort Through Your Clothes With A Hangar System