20 Books That Were Turned into Successful Movies

Published on 10/22/2017

The Princess Bride

In the film, William Goldman’s story is presented with a grandfather reading to his grandson. Thus, the narrative style is preserved and the fairy tale about true love ensues between takes of the sick grandson interacting with his grandfather. Hilarious and adorable, this movie is a cult classic. The American Film Institute included The Princess Bride on its list of 100 greatest love stories.

The Princess Bride

The Princess Bride


Pride and Prejudice

The 2005 film based on Jane Austen’s classic novel stars Keira Knightly and Matthew Macfadyen. The 1940 starred Greer Garson and Laurence Olivier. Whichever your preference, we’re just saying…Knightly’s performance gained her an Oscar nomination. In total, the 2005 adaptation earned four nominations.

Pride And Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice