The List Of Dog Breeds That Are Not Advisable For Growing Kids

Published on 07/20/2020

Doberman Pinscher

Doberman Pinschers have horror stories that they attack their owner for no reason. It is very alarming even if the rate of this has gone down already. It is always important that parents supervise kids when interacting with Doberman. This breed is perfect for military use because of their aggression and how smart and highly trainable they are. If you plan to get a Doberman, make sure that they get plenty of training. Also, insurance companies are warier of this breed.

Doberman Pinscher

Doberman Pinscher


German Shepherd

Law enforcements love having a German Shepherd on their team. They are not only loyal, but they are also very obedient and smart. Even if they are innately intelligent and respectful, lack of training will cause a German Shepherd to be aggressive. Getting a German Shepherd is not all that bad, as long as the owner has the proper knowledge in caring for this type cause they tend to attack the wrong person. 

German Shepherd

German Shepherd