You Probably Never Knew About The Errors These Movies Have

Published on 05/17/2020

You Probably Never Knew About The Errors These Movies Have


While movies aren’t really meant to be realistic, we still expect movie makers to at least try and make it seem real. However, even some of the best movies ever made like Gladiator, Star Wars, and Titanic have huge mistakes we can never unsee. Despite the fact that making mistakes in films is relatively common, knowing the reasons behind them isn’t. Here we have some of Hollywood’s worst as well as the stories behind them.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl

At the end of the movie, as Captain Jack Sparrow is back onboard on his beloved Black Pearl, a different sort of pirate, in the case a crewman wearing a cowboy uniform, just unceremoniously entered the shot only to take a look at the scenery. “On deck, you scabrous dogs!” Johnny Depp as the (in)famous pirate Jack Sparrow ordered his lackeys right almost at the end of Disney’s first installment of the well-known pirate franchise. As for the strange ranger who somehow blended into the untrained eye, experts believed that it was an error attributed to the fact that there were so many people on set in the creation of the movie! And it seems the wild landlubber, who just wanted a nice view of the sea, seems to have shivered some people’s timbers.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl