Judge Judy: Behind the Scenes of America’s Beloved Courtroom Series

Published on 03/20/2018

On Set

Before arriving on set, Judge Sheindlin does not go unprepared! Producers will FedEx the sworn statements and all relevant information on each upcoming case to her home. She familiarizes herself with some details to provide background, but not enough information so that the case doesn’t seem “fresh” when she first questions the litigants during filming.

On Set

On Set


They’re Real!

Guys, all of the cases you see are REAL. There are some 60+ researchers from all over the globe who process lawsuits filed in local, small claims courts all over the country. Due to the Freedom of Information Act, the researchers are then able to photocopy cases they believe will make for interesting TV. Those copies are then forwarded to the show’s producers. Around 3% of these cases make it through to the next stage which involves contacting those litigants and asking them if they are interested in forgoing their civil court hearing in exchange for a free trip to L.A., an $850 appearance fee and also a per diem of $40 (as of 2012).

Theyre Real

They’re Real