Yes, you may know how to operate your vehicle. You may haven’t even read your car’s manual, but you do know how to work the wipers, AC, the radio, as well as the hazard lights! Hopefully, you also know how to change your vehicle’s tires. However, what you don’t seem to realize is that all you need are these simple yet totally life-changing car hacks, which we’re certain that you wouldn’t find on any car manual. We got you covered in every minor to major annoyances; you can be certain that these tips will make your life easier. Try to see if you have done anything on this list before.

Amazing Car Hacks Everyone Needs To Start Doing Now
Fixing A Dent With Hot Water & A Plunge
Got an unpleasant dent on the side of your car? Don’t worry! We got you covered! Dents are pretty common, and regardless of what you think, they’re actually pretty easy to fix. All you need to do is boil water in a teapot or saucepan, pour the hot water over the dent, then take the plunger and pull. If the car’s body isn’t heavily damaged, then the dent should pop right out, it may not look as perfect as it was, but at least it would make it less prominent.

Fixing A Dent With Hot Water & A Plunge
Dirty Headlights And Toothpaste
If your headlights are foggy, don’t rush to the nearest auto store for a special solution! You might already have something at home to solve your problem. Toothpaste, it turns out, works just as well on headlights as it does on teeth because it contains mild abrasives that clean enamel. Your headlights can be as clear as day again with a bit of toothpaste and elbow grease! (Side note: This wouldn’t always work. If it’s yellowing from the inside, you might want to look for replacements.)

Dirty Headlights And Toothpaste
Opening Your Keyring With A Staple Remover
There’s no need to break your fingers trying to fit a new set of keys onto your clumsy metal keyring. Simply use a staple remover to separate the end pieces and slide them in! It’s so simple that we’re sure you’re wondering why you’ve never considered it before.

Opening Your Keyring With A Staple Remover
Put A Shower Caddy In The Trunk
If you’re the type to think ahead, you probably keep some emergency car supplies in the trunk, such as oil, a funnel, a rag, a flashlight, and so on. Consider getting a shower caddy to store all those important items securely, so they aren’t rolling all over your trunk when you need them — and so you don’t get anything else in the trunk dirty.

Put A Shower Caddy In The Trunk
Use Pool Noodles To Prevent Car Dings
Do you often hit your door on the side of your garage every time you get out? A simple solution is to cut a pool noodle in half and tape it to the wall where the door swings open (the scuff marks should make it easy enough to tell). You can use bolts or simple command strips to secure it, but your car and your wall will be safe in either case!

Use Pool Noodles To Prevent Car Dings
Need A Trash Bin? Use Cereal Bins
We throw trash in our cars without thinking about it, but did you know that if you’re not careful, the smells from that trash can linger inside your car for a long time? You won’t have that problem if you get a trash can. All you’ll need is one of those small cereal-holding plastic containers. Simply line it with a plastic bag to create a compact and easily sealed trash can that keeps your car clean and odor-free.

Need A Trash Bin? Use Cereal Bins
Reduce Glare With A Tinted Plastic Sheet
We’ve all been there: you forgot your sunglasses, it’s getting dark, and you’re driving west. At this angle, your visor won’t be able to protect you, but there is something that can! A simple tinted plastic sheet will stick to your car window with static and can be moved around as needed, ensuring that the sun never bothers you again!

Reduce Glare With A Tinted Plastic Sheet
Lessen Frost By Parking Your Car Facing East
This may appear to be some strange witchy trick, but it’s actually quite simple and logical. When you park your car facing the sun in the morning, the sun’s rays will defrost your front windshield first. You’ll never have to wait for the defroster to warm up again if you leave for work after the sun rises!

Lessen Frost By Parking Your Car Facing East
Extend Your Key’s Range By Holding Them To Your Head
We know it sounds ridiculous, but we swear it works! If your keys don’t have much range, place them under your chin and press the button again; the fluids in your head will change the signal’s range slightly. If you don’t believe us, just try it out for yourself!

Extend Your Key’s Range By Holding Them To Your Head
Long Ride With A Messy Kid? MagnaDoodle Got You Covered
When taking a long car ride with a young child, there are two obvious issues: they are messy and easily bored. Fortunately, having a MagnaDoodle in your toy arsenal can help with both of these issues. To begin with, they’re easily one of the most entertaining toys because children can draw and redraw without running out of (or dropping) materials. What you might not realize is that they can also be used as a tray table for kids to eat meals from without getting crumbs and spills all over the place.

Long Ride With A Messy Kid? MagnaDoodle Got You Covered
Clean Your Wheels With Coke
You Might have heard the phrase “use Coke to clean this” a million times, but a solution of cola and dish detergent will remove all of the road grime and brake dust from your rims and leave them gleaming. Some people are concerned that the soda will simply make things stickier, but the detergent you add prevents any buildup.

Clean Your Wheels With Coke
You Can Use Pantyhose As A Fan Belt
First and foremost, if you have any other options available to you when your fan belt breaks (such as calling a tow), you should use them. Saving money isn’t worth the risk of catching your engine on fire. If you’re really stuck, a pair of pantyhose can be used as a fan belt to get you to a gas station or an area with cell service where you can get help.

You Can Use Pantyhose As A Fan Belt
Use Nail Polish On Small Scratches
When your car’s paint gets a small scratch or chip, it usually isn’t worth the money to have it professionally repaired. Of course, the drawback is that you’ll be driving around with unsightly scratches on your vehicle. We bet you didn’t realize you could do it yourself! Only a smidgeon of nail polish is required. If you can match the paint on your car fairly closely, a little bit of nail polish will hide the scratches well enough that no one will notice them unless they are looking for them.

Use Nail Polish On Small Scratches
De-Ice Your Keyholes With Hand Sanitizers
If you’ve ever had frozen locks on your car door, you know how difficult it can be to get them unfrozen. Hand sanitizer is the answer, which you might not have guessed. Although it may seem counterintuitive to pour something into a broken lock, the alcohol in the solution will melt the ice, allowing you to turn the lock. It’ll dissolve the same way on your car as it does on your hands.

De-Ice Your Keyholes With Hand Sanitizers
Keep Your Seats Buckled During Hot Weather
It’s a risky game to try to buckle your seatbelt in the summer. Any metal part of your car that has been exposed to sunlight and heat will irritate your hands, but you can at least avoid the seatbelt issue by buckling it in after you exit the vehicle and leaving it there until the next time you enter. It can’t get hot enough to burn if the sun can’t reach it!

Keep Your Seats Buckled During Hot Weather
Use Over-The-Door Shoe Racks As Backseat Organizers
This one is especially helpful if you have children: A simple over-the-door shoe rack can be used to store all of the backseat necessities, such as sippy cups, toys, chargers, and snacks. All of the pouches are easily accessible, and they’re a lot easier to see at a glance than the pouches that come standard with some minivan seats.

Use Over-The-Door Shoe Racks As Backseat Organizers
Window Chips? Clear Nail Polish Could Help
Magic nail polish strikes once more! If you get a crack or chip in your windshield, it’s almost certain to spread and crack further, making driving dangerous. If you can’t afford to replace your windshield, a few drops of clear nail polish in the affected area, similar to a run in a pair of stockings, should keep the crack from spreading until you can.

Window Chips? Clear Nail Polish Could Help
You Can Use Rubber Bands As Phone Holders
When you need to look at your GPS but don’t have a co-pilot to hold it up for you and don’t have one of those windows or air vent holders to hold your phone, it’s extremely inconvenient (and potentially dangerous). It’s actually quite simple to accomplish the same thing with a rubber band. The tension will hold it up if you loop it through a couple of vents in your center console and around the top and bottom of your phone.

You Can Use Rubber Bands As Phone Holders
Easy Way To Cool Down A Hot Car
Have you ever had to stand there in the summer and air out your suffocatingly hot car just enough so that you can BREATHE when you get inside? Simply roll down the passenger side window and open and close the driver’s side door quickly for a few seconds to speed up the process. This creates a fanning effect, removing all of the hot, stale air from your vehicle and allowing fresh air to enter.

Easy Way To Cool Down A Hot Car
Dryer Sheets As Air Freshener
Don’t waste money on air fresheners that only last a few days, such as clip-on or over-the-mirror air fresheners. A box of dryer sheets lasts much longer, is less obtrusive, and effectively absorbs odors. You can get them scented or unscented, and they’ll keep your car smelling good for months.

Dryer Sheets As Air Freshener
The Nanotech Car Scratch Remover Cloth
This isn’t so much of a hack as it is a really cool product that can save the day when it comes to your car’s look. These Multipurpose Scratch Remover Clothes use advanced nanotechnology to remove car scratches and stains and restore vehicle color and protect paint surfaces. According to the company, each cloth can be used 10 to 15 times. In addition, they come with a one-year limited warranty if you’re not sure about their effectiveness. So you can try them out and contact the company if you’re not happy with them.

The Nanotech Car Scratch Remover Cloth
Use Scented Wax Cubes As Air Fresheners
There’s another DIY air freshener hack for your nose’s pleasure besides dryer sheets. Simply take a few scented wax cubes and place them in a mason jar with some holes cut in the lead. Place the jar in your car, and the wax will melt as the vehicle heats up, filling your car with a pleasant aroma.

Use Scented Wax Cubes As Air Fresheners
Check Your Tire’s State With A Penny
This next tip might just save your life. Turn a penny upside down and place it in the treads of your tires. You’re good if President Lincoln’s head sinks halfway in. You’ll need new tires if the tread doesn’t cover any of the president’s head.

Check Your Tire’s State With A Penny
Keep Your Cup Holder Clean By Doing This
Pick up some silicone cupcake wrappers and place them in the cupholders of your car. They’ll keep all of your loose change organized, and they’re simple to remove and clean, so your cup holders stay spotless. You would be amazed by how much this simple trick would keep things clean.

Keep Your Cup Holder Clean By Doing This
Save Space Using Carabiner Hooks
Pick up some carabiner hooks and attach them to your headrests if you need to free up some space in your backseat. Bags, groceries, umbrellas, and other items can all be stored in them. Doing this would help free up a lot of space than you might think.

Save Space Using Carabiner Hooks
Use Muffin Pans As A Cupholder
If you’re going to pick up a large fast-food order, make sure you have a muffin pan and a basket with you. What is the reason for this? Because it makes a massive and comparatively more durable soft drink holder. Be sure to not forget this hack the next time you go out and make a large order.

Use Muffin Pans As A Cupholder
Make Grocery Shopping Easier With Laundry Baskets
Place an empty laundry basket in the trunk the next time you go grocery shopping. You can then fill the basket with bags when you get home, reducing the number of trips back and forth to the car, easily making your grocery trips a lot easier!

Make Grocery Shopping Easier With Laundry Baskets
Keep Some Kitty Litter In Your Trunk
Even if you don’t have a cat, kitty litter should be kept in your trunk. To get out of a deep snowbank or a slick patch of road, you’ll need extra traction, which kitty litter can provide. Pour some around your tires and try to drive out again. It is recommended that you purchase the non-clumping variety.

Keep Some Kitty Litter In Your Trunk
Another Kitty Litter Hack
Another amazing hack you could do with kitty litter is that you can put it on a sock and keep it on your dashboard. Now, this might sound crazy, but it would actually keep your windshield from fogging up. And yes, this is a serious tip.

Another Kitty Litter Hack
Need To Keep Things In Place? Use Command Hooks
Attach a command hook at floor level if you need a place to keep your purse, bag, or mask without it flying all over the place. Everything you need is accessible, neat, and tidy as a result. Always keep this hack in mind, and you’d never be out of space inside your car.

Need To Keep Things In Place Use Command Hooks
Gauge Your Garage Parking With A Tennis Ball
Having trouble parking in your garage? Well, good thing we are here to assist you. Gauging just how far forward you’ve pulled into your may not be a piece of cake for everyone. All you need to do is simply tie a string with a hanging tennis ball on the ceiling of your garage. If it rests on your windshield when you’ve driven in far enough. You’ll never have to guess again. Accuracy at its finest!

Gauge Your Garage Parking With A Tennis Ball
Download a Parking App to Find Your Car
Are you one of those people who always have trouble remembering where they parked their car? Don’t worry – you’re not alone! Finally, those forgetful days are gone, now there are so many useful apps that can instantly help you locate your car. There’s no more wasting time walking up and down the mall parking lot trying to find your car. There are several applications that you can choose from, either way, they will all help you keep track of where you parked.

Download a Parking App to Find Your Car
Warm Up Your Windshield Wipers
Get yourself prepared for the winter months, with yet another hack. You don’t ever have to waste time in the mornings trying to thaw out your windshield wipers. All you need is an old pair of socks – simply put them over each wiper in the evening. So by the time morning comes and you’re ready to start the day, you windshield wipers will no longer be packed with ice or stuck to your windshield.

Warm Up Your Windshield Wipers
Handy Towel Holder
If you ask us, we think this is one of the most brilliant tricks out there – especially for people who have young children. All you need to do is attach a roll of paper towel to your car with a short bungee cord. This allows you to grab the towels quickly without having to search the entire car for the roll. We always have at least one passenger in our car who spills something or has a runny nose, right?

Handy Towel Holder
Vinegar To Defrost Your Windows
For People who live in areas where it tends to get super cold in the winter will definitely appreciate this hack. Being familiar with having to defrost your car in the mornings is no joke. Why not try this one. trust us it works! Instead of pouring water over your windshield, rather mix it with some vinegar. Then mix it together in a spray bottle and spray onto your windows. The vinegar helps burn through the ice much quicker, and with a spray bottle, you’ll be able to apply the mixture evenly to avoid icy patches blocking your view.

Vinegar To Defrost Your Windows
Get More Gas From The Pump
Although it seems pretty straightforward, there’s actually a better way to pump gas than simply going at it full throttle. If you just press the gas pump all the way down it can create bubbles in your tank, making the nozzle think you have filled it. In reality, there is still more space to put gas in, you just have to go slower. By pressing the pump just halfway, you will wait a bit longer for the gas to come out, but more will actually go into your tank.

Get More Gas From The Pump
Blow Away Bumper Stickers
There’s a good chance that the amjority of you reading this has at least one kind of bumper sticker on your car. It turns out that having to remove them is actually so much easier than one would think. All you need is a good working hairdryer for this trick. Heat up the sides of the sticker with the hairdryer and within a few minutes, the glue should start to lift, making it easier to peel. Time to say goodbye to all those bumper stickers from 2006.

Blow Away Bumper Stickers
Slime Is Your Savior
Who would have thought a child’s toy could be used for one of the best car hacks? The truth is that slime and car interiors are actually a perfect match made in heaven. If you cant find slime in your children’s playroom, you will easily be able to buy some from the supermarket. Use the slime as a cleaning tool for all those hard-to-reach parts of your car, like the air vents and down the sides of your chair. The slime easily picks up any dirt or dust that you’ve been struggling to clean.

Slime Is Your Savior
If Your Tires Blows, DON’T Brake
This next is not so much a hack but a super helpful piece of advice. If you’re driving on an open road at a speed of at least 65km/h and your tire blows – do not break. Although this may be instinctive, try your best to resist the urge. Why may you ask? Well, if hit the brakes, you’re going to fishtail and possibly lose control of your car, which could see you crashing into absolutely anything. Instead, you should keep your foot on the accelerator. Sound strange? We know but this will help you regain control of your car and steer straight on the road. A few seconds should do the trick.

If Your Tires Blows, DON’T Brake
Don’t Weigh Down Your Key
This one is more of a warning than a hack. Having too many keys or cute keychains can actually damage the ignition switch. Meaning that over time, your car will not start as easily as it should. Experts recommned that you have a maxium of 3 keys or keychains on your bunch. Howevr if you begin to notice a tightness or your key locking while it’s in the ignition, then best ake it to the dealer as soon as possibel. Otherwise, before you know it, it will end up costing you a lot of money.

Don’t Weigh Down Your Key
Prevent Car Sickness
We really love this next tip! Looking to help prevent car sickness, simply keep some fresh bay leaves in your car. Bay leaf is a terrific way of preventing car sickness, espeically during long trips. All you need to do is place the leaf under your tongue, and you will feel better almost instantly. This works for children as well as adutls. It can also save you from pulling over or buying medicine at the pharmacy, and best of all, it is 100% natural.

Prevent Car Sickness
Lowering Your Insurance Costs
We’re always looking for ways to lower monthly costs, especially with our cars. Now you can! All you need to do is learn defensive driving. It is so beneficial and also helps better your driving skills. In many countries across the globe, having learned defensive driving can substantially lower the car insurance cost. So, if you are still deciding if learning defensive driving worth your time and money, consider the car insurance incentives.

Lowering Your Insurance Costs
What Side Is The Tank On?
So many times, people pull up to fill up their tank with gas and “forget” which side their tank is on. What they don’t realize is that the answer has actually been right in front of their eyes all along. Take a quick look at your dashboard fuel gauge…see it now? You’ll see a picture of a gas pump with an arrow. Whichever way that arrow points, that’s the side of the car with the filler cap. Amazing right?

What Side Is The Tank On?
Diagnose Your Own Car troubles
Gone are the days where you wish you could magically figure out what’s wrong with your car without having to visit a mechanic. Now all you need to do is simply buy an auto-code reader. Plug it into the car’s computer system through the OBD plug, and it will instantly help you read your engine’s fault codes. Within a matter of no time, you will find out what’s causing the check engine light to illuminate, locate a bad oxygen sensor, read enhanced data, or even retrieve the VIN of your car.

Diagnose Your own Car troubles
Always Keep An Emergency Kit
Without a doubt, every driver should have an emergency kit in their vehicle. This should include things like jumper cables, a flashlight, extra batteries, a first aid kit, and sometimes even a compass. One essential item in this kit should include a basic tool kit. You may also want to have warm clothing, a shovel and a spare cellphone charger. You never know when any of this will come in handy!

Always Keep An Emergency Kit
Clean Your AC Vents
The air conditioning in your car is a major blessing on a freezing cold day as well as during the sweltering hot summer days. However, what most people tend to forget is just how important it is to clean the air vents in the car. One of the best ways to clean them (from the inside) is to take a foam brush, usually, you can find them in your local hardware. Next, gently clean each panel. Not only will this keep your air conditioning fresh and dirt-free but it is much healthier for everyone in the car.

Clean Your AC Vents
Vaseline Tip
For generations, vaseline has been one of the best life-savers. Not just for colds and flu but actually for basically anything and everything. Did you ever think of using it for the interior of your car? When it comes to a vinyl or leather interior, smear some Vaseline onto a cloth or cotton wool and rub it over the car, that way you’ll prevent the leather from cracking. You can also rub the vaseline on the rubber door seals to prevent them from freezing during the winter.

Vaseline Tip
Avoid Crumbs
Parents with young kids will know exactly how cars messy can get. It’s like your car becomes its own personal trash bin. Or even worse, they drop all kinds of bits and bobs in between the car seats, and cleaning up can truly become a living nightmare. To avoid this kind of disaster, simply put a sheet underneath the booster seat so if things do fall through, the sheet will collect it all! Your car will now be protected from any kind of future accidents, like melted candy, juice spills, or even dog drool.

Avoid Crumbs
Use A Newspaper To Clean Windows
We have already mentioned a hack to clean windows but it’s always good to have a few options. This trick has been tried and tested, and believe it or not but nothing cleans windows better than an old newspaper. Simply, spray your windows with some window cleaner, then take the newspaper and give it a good scrub. This will instantly give you sparkly clean results. However, be sure that the windows are not tinted!

Use A Newspaper To Clean Windows
Hot Wheels
Always want your wheels to shine? Great, we have the perfect trick just for you! How? Simple. Grab a bottle of Dawn detergent, mix it with an equal amount of water, and getting cleaning on those rims. Next, sprinkle baking soda on a damp sponge and rub the rough side over the wheels. Spray some water again and you’re good to go! But please remember to wear gloves when doing this. This is a great tip to help you save money too.

Hot Wheels
Inside Out
Has it ever occurred to you that the real reason why your air conditioner isn’t so strong anymore? Well, there’s a good chance that the air isn’t actually circulating in your car. All you need to do is pop the hood and get out the air filters. It probably just needs a good clean with a vacuum to get all the junk caught in it out. An alternative is to spray the filter with a cleaning solution, such as Clean Green, let it soak in, and then rinse them off with water. Also, make sure they are completely air-dried before placing them back in.

Inside Out
Q-Tip to The Rescue
Q-tips are actually one of the most valuable items. Now all those tough spots in your car that are so challenging to clean just become so much easier, all thanks to q-tips. They are super when you need to clean between little crevices or even on the steering wheel. You’ll be totally surprised to know just how much gunk and dust are stuck in all those hard-to-reach places.

Q Tip To The Rescue
Pet owners – we have the best fix for you! We all know just how frustrating and tough it can be to get rid of all that cat or dog hair. Usually, the best option is to get the car professionally cleaned, but this can really be a huge expense. Instead, all you need to buy is a squeegee, trust us the results are just as good. Spray water on the seats, then use the squeegee multiple times to scrape off all that unwanted hair. Thank us later!

Baby Wipes
If you’re a parent, you’ve probably already mastered this one. If not, it’s pretty simple, always keep baby wipes in your car. Even if you don’t have small babies, they are super useful. From sweating hands to wiping stains, you just never know what type of cleaning emergency could arise during a car trip. All in all, they are really handy! Trust us, we highly recommend this great tip.

Baby Wipes
Magic Eraser
Sadly for some reason, Magic Erasers are very much underestimated. However, so many experts suggest that you should always keep one on hand, especially in your car. This will help you easily scrub off those disgusting stains on leather or vinyl seats. Simply, wet the Magic Eraser slightly and gently scrub where you spot the dirt. Within no time at all, you’ll have clean, factory-fresh seats.

Magic Eraser
Loose Change
Yes, we know we’ve already suggested a trick to keep all your loose change. But more than one is always a great idea. All you need is a small, spare container something like a chewing gum container. This is not just super useful for loose change but it is also a great way to recycle unused items.

Loose Change
Mayonnaise Is Not Just For The Kitchen
Yes, it’s true, mayonnaise is more than just a condiment. One of its uses, outside of the kitchen is its amazing ability to remove any tar from your car. The same goes for any sap that has covered your vehicle and just won’t come off. But do not worry, just because Mayonnaise is strong enough to take off the tar, it does not mean that it will damage the wax or paint on your car. All you need to do is apply a small amount of mayonnaise to a cloth and rub it into the affected area. It’s advisable to leave it on for roughly 5 minutes until it fully works its magic. Finish by simply wiping the area clean with a clean cloth.

Mayonnaise Is Not Just For The Kitchen
Remove Acidic Battery Juice
Thoroughly cleaning might sound extremely difficult, but with all these awesome hacks it definitely makes things so much easier. We could never forget to include some tips for under the hood. This next one is generally for older cars or those that get a lot of wear and tear. Usually, this means that the battery can start to release some corrosive liquid. If this is left for too long, then it might begin to break down other areas of your car engine, too. This is where coca-cola comes in handy – this is an excellent technique when wanting to remove a lot of unwanted things. Just please, make sure that the engine is off AND cool. Only then can you gently loosen the terminals slightly, disconnect the battery, and soak the corroded areas in soda.

Remove Acidic Battery Juice
Adjust Your Car Mirrors Properly
You would think that when young teenagers begin to learn how to drive, they will learn this next one. But surprisingly, that is not always the case. The ‘blind spots’ are on the sides of your vehicle that you can’t conventionally see unless your crane your head back. And yes, they are so important! There is a smart way to adjust your mirrors to neutralize any and all blind spots. What is the trick? Adjust your side mirrors further out, to the point where you can’t view your own car. In doing so, your view of the sides overlaps with the image in your rearview mirror, thereby eliminating any and all blind spots from your point of view.

Adjust Your Car Mirrors Properly
Check If You Need An Oil Change
You guessed it, you no longer need to be a mechanic to know how to check and change the oil in your car. Now, all you need is a simple hack like this one. First, warm up your car for 5 minutes, cut the ignition, and then open the hood and take a few drops of oil. These drops will serve as a sample. Next, get a clean cloth or some paper towel and wipe the dipstick on it. Leave it for roughly 2 hours, come back later, and check the paper. If you see that the oil has become dark at the center, your oil is dirty, but if the edges are smooth, your oil is clean. Simple, right?

Check If You Need An Oil Change
Hair Conditioner Will Make Your Car Look Shiny
Who wouldn’t want their car to be gleaming and brand-new when they drive it? The key to resolving this is actually located in the bathroom itself. The fact that conditioner can help to smooth and silken the paint job may come as a surprise to some people. It appears to be beneficial for a variety of other things besides hair. Always dilute with water before using any chemicals.

Hair Conditioner Will Make Your Car Look Shiny
Make A Garbage Can For The Backseat
Everybody who has to drive around kids on a regular basis is familiar with the mess that can accumulate in the backseat. It is possible to construct a garbage can and hang it behind the front seat. This is a fantastic way to teach your children how to properly dispose of their trash in a safe and appropriate manner. Additionally, a game of mini-basketball will keep them entertained.

Make A Garbage Can For The Backseat
A Little Olive Oil Can Go A Long Way
Has the surface of your dashboard begun to show signs of wear and tear? Do not be concerned; this is a straightforward solution. You’ll find the solution to this problem in the kitchen cupboard, I promise you. Take a bottle of olive oil and use it to polish the interior of the dashboard. This will restore it to its former pristine and gleaming condition.

A Little Olive Oil Can Go A Long Way
Icy Windshield? Maybe This Could Help
The process of removing ice from your windshield has never been simpler! The only ingredients you’ll need to make your own de-icer are a mixture of 70 percent isopropyl alcohol and one part water, as well as a few drops of dish soap. With this simple cocktail, you can quickly loosen and remove the ice from your windshield with an ice scraper (or even your windshield wipers if you’re patient enough to wait for a few minutes longer).

Icy Windshield? Maybe This Could Help
The Roadside Hero
If you’ve ever been involved in a serious car accident, you know how traumatic the experience can be. Every year, nearly 40,000 people are killed in car accidents in the United States alone, according to statistics. That is why every driver in the United States should have a RoadSide Hero in his or her vehicle. It has nine-in-one Multi-Function tools that can save your life if used correctly. Other than that, it can be used as a belt/rope cutter, a glass breaker, a hammer, a magnet mount, a flashlight, a strobe/emergency light, a power bank, and a solar panel, to name a few things. This is the ultimate device that every automobile should be equipped with.

The Roadside Hero
Make Sure To Check On Your Tire’s Pressure
Walk over to the “Air” machine when you next enter a gas station and take note of what is happening inside. The one end is used to inflate your tires, and the other end is typically used as a pressure gauge. Tire pressure should be maintained at the proper level to not only save money on gas, but it will also help improve the overall performance of your vehicle.

Make Sure To Check On Your Tire’s Pressure
Another Way Of Cleaning The Air Vents
Over time, the air vents in your car can become clogged with dirt and dust. Cleaning them out, on the other hand, is a straightforward process. You can easily remove all of that hard-to-reach gunk by purchasing a foam brush from your local craft store (which is almost always less than a dollar). This is particularly useful if you don’t have any paintbrushes on hand because it is less expensive than purchasing them.

Another Way Of Cleaning The Air Vents
Make Your Leather Seats Shine With This
Do you want to make your leather seat shine but aren’t sure how to go about it? Contrary to popular belief, the ingredient required to make it shine can be found right in your own kitchen cabinet: olive oil. Using a microfiber cloth, polish in a circular motion with VERY SMALL amounts of product. When done once every two or three months, there should be no sticky build-up; otherwise, a sticky build-up may occur.

Make Your Leather Seats Shine With This
Use This To Remove The Ice On Your Car’s Door
If you have frozen locks on your car doors, you can use alcohol to unfreeze them, just like you can use it to remove ice from your windshield! Using a squirt of hand sanitizer to rub your key or door handle will achieve the same result as using alcohol. Because of the alcohol in the hand sanitizer, the ice will melt quickly, allowing you to get into your car more quickly.

Use This To Remove The Ice In Your Car’s Door
How To Check The Level Of Fluids
Look through the owner’s manual that came with your car (remember that?) for answers. Alternatively, you can look up the levels of your oil, coolant, power steering fluid, and brake fluid on the internet or in your manual. Even if you don’t know how to disassemble and reassemble a vehicle, you should be able to check and adjust these fluids in the event that things get tough.

How To Check The Level Of Fluids
How To Escape A Sinking Car
Being trapped in a sinking car is one of the most terrifying situations one can find themselves in. On the other hand, maintaining your composure and following these simple steps can make a significant difference. Roll down at least one window quickly to allow you to climb out or open a door before the car is completely submerged. Second, make sure you have a quick release mechanism for your seat belt.

How To Escape A Sinking Car
Check Your Engine Temperature
Another important factor that every car owner should be aware of is the temperature of their engine, both in terms of its current state and the temperature at which it should be operating at any given time. Never assume that the fuel temperature warning light will save you in an emergency situation; in most cases, you’ve already encountered a major problem by the time the light comes on.

Check Your Engine Temperature
Keep A Maintenance Log
Keep a vehicle maintenance log if you haven’t already. If you haven’t already, now is an excellent time to start. This is a convenient way to view the health and history of your vehicle in one convenient location. The last time your tires were replaced or the last time your coolant and other fluids were checked should not be a mystery to you. Keeping an accurate and consistent maintenance log is the best way to ensure that you are completely aware of what is going on.

Keep A Maintenance Log
Refresh Your Wipers With This
Not only are clean wipers essential for keeping streaks and scratches off of your windshield, but they are also essential for keeping your windshield clean and free of debris. A microfiber cloth and rubbing alcohol are a simple but effective way to keep your wipers in good condition on a tight budget.

Refresh Your Wipers With This
Other Use Of Your Glove Box
One of the most important pieces of advice that every car owner should be aware of is what to keep in their glove box. People tend to keep their manuals and other documentation in their homes, but it actually serves a much more important function. The Roadside HERO and the Ultimate Auto Emergency Kit, for example, are both small enough to fit into the glove box of your vehicle without taking up much space. Consequently, the items you require are always within arm’s reach when you need them.

Other Use Of Your Glove Box
Remove Bad Odor With The Help Of Baking Soda
If your car smells bad, it detracts from the overall driving experience, not only for you, but for everyone else as well. making it uncomfortable to provide a ride to someone With the help of baking soda, you can once again be proud of your clean car after it has been absorbed and neutralized the noxious fumes.

Remove Bad Odor With The Help Of Baking Soda
Coffee Filter Trick
The coffee filter’s lint-free material makes it ideal for cleaning car dashboards, center consoles, and other similar items in the car. A large package of coffee filters can be purchased at the dollar store for a very low price. Although drips are not necessary for the brewing of coffee, they are useful for a variety of other purposes, such as keeping the interior of your car clean and free of lint, splatters, and stains.

Coffee Filter Trick
Changing The Filter
One more important tip that every car owner should be aware of is not only where their filter is located, but also how and when they should change their filter(s). According to the vehicle you drive, this information may differ slightly. On the other hand, understanding where your filter is and how to adjust it is a valuable skill for improving your vehicle’s overall fuel quality. When your filter has to work too hard, it draws in more gasoline and reduces your vehicle’s average miles per gallon by a significant amount.

Changing The Filter
Your Phone As A Heads Up Display
This car dash mount utilizes your smartphone to display navigational information directly in your line of sight without obstructing your view. It will appear on a transparent digital display glass that will transform your car into a cockpit for a fighter jet. Various information such as current speed, navigation direction, traffic conditions, and so on can be displayed. It all depends on which app you’re using on your phone at any given time.

Your Phone As A Heads Up Display
Make Note Of What Accessories You’d Keep
All of these are just a few of the numerous tips and tricks, as well as hacks, that every car owner should be familiar with. No amount of preparation can be overstated when it comes to being as prepared as possible for whatever life throws at you. This is especially true if you are operating a motor vehicle. In order to prevent this from happening, it is critical to keep track of any accessories or tools you keep in your vehicle. If you want to make certain that you are always prepared for any situation, you should

Make Note Of What Accessories You’d Keep
Keeping Your Car Cool With A Sunshade
Does your car turn into a sauna on hot days? A simple sunshade can save the day. Just place it on your windshield whenever you park. It reflects sunlight and significantly reduces the temperature inside your car, making it more comfortable when you return. No more burning your hands on the steering wheel or seats!

Keeping Your Car Cool With A Sunshade
Removing Stickers With WD-40
Got a stubborn sticker that just won’t come off? Spray some WD-40 on it and let it sit for a few minutes. Then use a cloth or a plastic scraper to peel it away easily. This trick works wonders and won’t damage your paint. It’s a simple solution for sticker residue.

Removing Stickers With WD 40
DIY Windshield Defogger: Baby Shampoo Solution
Say goodbye to foggy windshields with this simple hack! Mix a tablespoon of baby shampoo with water and apply it to the inside of your windshield. Wipe it off with a clean cloth, and you’ll have a fog-free drive even in the most humid conditions.

Emergency Cash Stash
Be prepared for unexpected situations by creating an emergency cash stash in your car. Take an empty mint container or a similar small, waterproof container and fill it with some cash. Stash this container in a discreet location in your car, such as inside the center console or glove compartment. This cash reserve can come in handy for emergencies like toll booths that don’t accept cards or situations where ATMs are not readily available. Just remember to periodically check and replenish the stash as needed.

Emergency Cash Stash
DIY Dashboard Cleaner
Keep your dashboard looking shiny and new with this homemade cleaner. Mix equal parts of water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto a microfiber cloth and gently wipe down the dashboard surface. The vinegar helps to break down any dirt or grease, leaving behind a clean and polished finish. Avoid using harsh chemicals that can potentially damage the dashboard material. With this DIY cleaner, you can easily maintain the appearance of your dashboard without spending a fortune on specialized cleaning products.

DIY Dashboard Cleaner
DIY Car Carpet Stain Remover
Remove stubborn stains from your car’s carpeting with this homemade stain remover. Mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and dish soap in a spray bottle and shake well to combine. Spray the solution onto the stained areas of the carpet and let it sit for a few minutes to penetrate the fibers. Then, use a clean cloth or brush to gently scrub the stain until it lifts away. Rinse the area with water and blot dry with a clean towel. This DIY cleaner effectively tackles tough stains without damaging the carpet fibers or leaving behind a residue.

DIY Car Carpet Stain Remover
Portable Car Vacuum Cleaner
Keep your car interior clean and free of debris with a portable car vacuum cleaner. These compact vacuum cleaners are designed specifically for automotive use and come with attachments to reach tight spaces and crevices. Use them to vacuum up dirt, crumbs, pet hair, and other messes from the seats, floor mats, and carpeting. Some models even feature built-in LED lights to illuminate dark areas and ensure thorough cleaning. With a portable car vacuum cleaner on hand, you can maintain a pristine interior and enjoy a more comfortable driving experience.

Portable Car Vacuum Cleaner
Car Seat Gap Filler
Prevent small items from falling between the seats with a car seat gap filler. These flexible inserts fit snugly into the gap between the seats and the center console, creating a barrier to catch coins, keys, phones, and other objects. Choose a gap filler with a universal design that can accommodate various seat configurations and adjustments. Some models even feature additional storage compartments or cup holders for added convenience. With a car seat gap filler, you can say goodbye to lost items and keep your car interior tidy and organized.

Car Seat Gap Filler
Steering Wheel Cover Grip
Improve your grip and comfort while driving with a steering wheel cover. Choose a cover made from durable, non-slip materials such as silicone or rubber for enhanced control and stability. Opt for a cover with textured patterns or ergonomic contours to provide a secure grip and reduce hand fatigue during long drives. Additionally, steering wheel covers help to protect the original steering wheel from wear and tear, prolonging its lifespan. With a steering wheel cover, you can enjoy a more comfortable and confident driving experience, especially in challenging road conditions.

Steering Wheel Cover Grip
DIY Car Windshield Chip Repair
Repair minor windshield chips and cracks with this DIY hack using a windshield repair kit. Start by cleaning the damaged area with glass cleaner and a lint-free cloth to remove any dirt or debris. Then, follow the instructions included in the repair kit to apply the resin to the chip or crack. Use the provided tools to remove air bubbles and ensure proper adhesion of the resin. Once the resin has cured, use a razor blade to scrape away any excess material and polish the surface with glass polish for a smooth finish. This DIY repair helps to prevent further spreading of the damage and restores the structural integrity of the windshield.

DIY Car Windshield Chip Repair
Boost Your Remote Key’s Range
Have you once again forgotten where you parked? By pressing your remote alarm key against your head, you can extend its range. It functions by means of the fluids in your head conducting the signal and extending its range.

Boost Your Remote Key’s Range
Fill Up When It’s Cold
You might save money if you visit the gas station early in the morning or late at night when it’s chilly. You’ll receive more for your money because colder weather makes gasoline denser. Try it now and save more!

Boost Your Remote Key’s Range
Car Wheel Rim Protection
Protect your car’s wheel rims from curb damage with wheel rim protectors. These durable strips attach to the outer edges of your wheel rims to absorb impact and prevent scratches and scuffs when parking or maneuvering in tight spaces. Choose rim protectors that match the size and style of your wheels for a seamless appearance.

Car Wheel Rim Protection
DIY Car Interior Dehumidifier
Prevent moisture buildup and mildew in your car’s interior with a DIY dehumidifier. Fill a breathable fabric bag or sock with silica gel cat litter and tie it securely. Place the dehumidifier in your car overnight or whenever it’s parked in a damp environment. The silica gel absorbs excess moisture from the air, helping to keep your car’s interior dry and odor-free.

DIY Car Interior Dehumidifier
Car Door Handle Covers
Protect your car’s door handles from scratches and scuffs with door handle covers. These durable covers attach to the exterior door handles to shield them from damage caused by fingernails, keys, and rings. Choose covers made from high-quality materials such as silicone or rubber for maximum protection and longevity.

Car Door Handle Covers
Car Seat Lumbar Support Cushion
Enhance comfort during long drives with a car seat lumbar support cushion. These ergonomic cushions provide extra support to the lower back, reducing strain and discomfort while sitting. Choose a cushion with adjustable straps or buckles to secure it to your car seat for a customized fit. The added lumbar support helps to maintain proper posture and alleviate back pain, allowing you to enjoy a more comfortable and ergonomic driving experience.

Car Seat Lumbar Support Cushion
DIY Car Deodorizer With Coffee Grounds
Banish unwanted odors from your car with this simple and natural deodorizer hack! Fill a pair of old socks with coffee grounds and tie them off at the top. Place the socks under your car seats or in the cup holders, and let the coffee grounds work their odor-absorbing magic. Not only will your car smell fresh and inviting, but you’ll also enjoy the subtle aroma of coffee every time you take a drive.

DIY Car Deodorizer With Coffee Grounds
Preventing Car Paint From Fading With Wax
Protect your car’s paint job and keep it looking shiny and new for longer with regular waxing. Applying a coat of wax to your car’s exterior creates a protective barrier against UV rays, pollution, and environmental contaminants that can cause fading and damage over time. Plus, waxing makes it easier to clean dirt and grime off your car, resulting in a sparkling finish that lasts. Make waxing a part of your car care routine to maintain its beauty and resale value.

Preventing Car Paint From Fading With Wax
Removing Tree Sap With Hand Sanitizer
Tree sap can be stubborn to remove from your car’s paint, but hand sanitizer can make the job a breeze! Apply a small amount of hand sanitizer to a clean cloth and gently rub it onto the sap-covered area. The alcohol in the hand sanitizer helps to break down the sap, making it easier to wipe away. Repeat as necessary until the sap is completely removed, then wash and wax the area to restore shine and protection.

Removing Tree Sap With Hand Sanitizer
DIY Car Wax With Beeswax & Coconut Oil
Give your car’s exterior the royal treatment with this DIY wax recipe! Melt together equal parts beeswax and coconut oil in a double boiler, stirring until well combined. Allow the mixture to cool slightly, then apply it to your car’s paint using a clean cloth or sponge. Buff the wax to a shine with another cloth, and admire the glossy finish! This homemade wax not only protects your car’s paint from the elements but also gives it a natural, long-lasting shine.

DIY Car Wax With Beeswax & Coconut Oil
Removing Water Stains With Vinegar & Baking Soda
Water stains on your car’s paint can be unsightly, but they’re no match for this simple hack! Make a paste by mixing equal parts baking soda and white vinegar, then apply it to the stained area using a clean cloth or sponge. Gently scrub the paste into the stain, then rinse with water and dry with a clean cloth. The abrasive action of the baking soda combined with the acidic properties of the vinegar helps to lift and remove water stains, leaving your car looking clean and pristine.

Removing Water Stains With Vinegar & Baking Soda
Securing Valuables With Hidden Compartments
Keep your valuables safe from prying eyes and potential thieves by utilizing hidden compartments in your car. Install aftermarket compartments or modify existing storage areas to create discreet hiding spots for your belongings. These hidden compartments are perfect for storing items like laptops, smartphones, and wallets when you’re away from your car. By keeping valuables out of sight, you reduce the risk of theft and increase the security of your vehicle.

Securing Valuables With Hidden Compartments
Drive Smoothly and Avoid Aggressive Driving
Aggressive driving behaviors like rapid acceleration, hard braking, and excessive speeding can significantly reduce fuel efficiency. Instead, practice smooth and gradual acceleration, maintain a steady speed, and anticipate traffic flow to avoid unnecessary braking. Driving at moderate speeds on highways and using cruise control when appropriate can also help optimize fuel consumption. By adopting a more relaxed driving style, you can improve fuel efficiency and reduce fuel consumption.

Drive Smoothly And Avoid Aggressive Driving
Protecting Car Windows With Security Film
Reinforce your car’s windows and prevent smash-and-grab thefts with security film. This durable, transparent film adheres to the interior surface of your windows and creates a protective barrier that holds glass shards together upon impact. Security film makes it more difficult for thieves to break into your car and steal valuables, providing added security and peace of mind. Install security film on your car windows to increase their strength and resistance to breakage.

Protecting Car Windows With Security Film
Maintain Proper Tire Pressure
One of the simplest ways to save fuel is by keeping your tires properly inflated. Underinflated tires create more rolling resistance, which means your engine has to work harder and burn more fuel to maintain speed. Regularly check your tire pressure and inflate them to the recommended level specified in your vehicle’s owner’s manual or on the sticker inside the driver’s side door jamb. By maintaining proper tire pressure, you can improve fuel efficiency and save money on gas.

Maintain Proper Tire Pressure