The Dark and Somber Fates of ‘The Little Rascals’ Cast

Published on 02/11/2020

Chubby, Stymie, And Buckwheat

To fill slots on the series, producers would hold national talent contests to find suitable actors. A few of Our Gang’s most famous characters came as a result. Chubby, Stymie, Buckwheat, and Farina all got their roles on the show by winning large-scale talent scouting contests. Since the show featured almost all child actors, it was necessary to replace cast members often since they grew out of their roles quickly. Parents would constantly try and get their kids on the show, even when no contests were going. At times, producers would give these kids a chance to audition.

Chubby, Stymie, And Buckwheat

Chubby, Stymie, And Buckwheat


Darla Hood

When she was four years old, Darla appeared on the show for the first time. Typically, she played the love interest of Butch and Alfalfa. Her mother saw her talent and got her singing and dancing lessons at a very young age. Joe Rivkin, the casting director, arranged her audition. Hood appeared on her first Our Gang short movie in 1935. After leaving the show, she had a role in a few more movies and started a semi-successful musical career as part of a quartet named the Enchanters. Later, she went solo. After getting an appendectomy, she passed away at age 47. She was preparing for an Our Gang reunion in 1980.

Darla Hood

Darla Hood