A Look Inside Shaq’s Personal Life

Published on 11/12/2023

Shaq has invested a huge amount of his fortune in esports

Considering that The Big Controller, real name Shaquille O’Neal, was among the first investors in esports, it might be time to give the boat a new moniker. He wasn’t the only one; in 2016, Jimmy Rollins and Alex Rodriguez also made investments in the transaction, indicating that they now have stock in NRG Gaming. They are well-known in the esports community and currently have a number of elite athletes on their side to assist grow the brand. Shaq oversees the basketball video game sector and associated competitions, which may come as no surprise. The finest part? Shaq returned to the studio with his first single in twenty years, “Bang,” because the stakes were high enough.

Shaq Has Invested A Huge Amount Of His Fortune In Esports

Shaq Has Invested A Huge Amount Of His Fortune In Esports


His antics on the court means Shaquille O’Neal has broken plenty of backboards

Getting the better of a lot of opponents is one thing. Breaking the tools you use to establish your reputation is a different story. Shaquille O’Neal has, it turns out, been doing both for a while. There’s a potential that Shaq’s height and presence on the court, which set him apart from other players, grab attention from fans. Not only do opponents need to be concerned, but Shaq has also been known to take it out on hoops in the past. One of the most well-known incidents occurred in 1993 when Shaq’s dunk was so powerful that the hoops had to be rolled out again and welded back together for the game to continue.

His Antics On The Court Means Shaquille O’Neal Has Broken Plenty Of Backboards

His Antics On The Court Means Shaquille O’Neal Has Broken Plenty Of Backboards