Brilliant Uses For WD-40 Nobody Ever Told You About

Published on 04/23/2019

Separating Stuck Glasses

While WD-40 might not be able to assist you in storing things away (an issue for another article), it can surely help when it comes to unpacking. What do we mean? When we stack glasses on top of one another, they often get stuck. Giving the stuck glasses a little spritz of WD-40 will help you pull them apart with ease.

Separating Stuck Glasses

Separating Stuck Glasses


Loosening Zippers

The invention of the zipper was groundbreaking! Without it, well, we would just be using buttons. But when your zipper gets stuck, it can turn a perfect day into an annoying one… or even worse, an embarrassing one! A light spray of WD-40 will help that zipper glide freely.

Loosening Zippers

Loosening Zippers